Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Harry absolutely LOVES spaghetti... can you tell??

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow Sledding??

Bub did some quick thinking because Rhapsody really wanted to sled... Hysterical!

Snow Day!!

We had a snow storm last night and racked up nearly seven inches of snow... CRAZY! It is March 29 - that shouldn't happen, right!
But with the temperatures higher right now, it was the PERFECT snow man snow!! We knew it was going to melt fast (as today's high is 56°) so we took the kids outside right after breakfast and let them play. Rhapsody had so much fun building her snowman... Harry was having trouble walking on the snow in boots, so he wasn't out there as long... but he still had fun!
Please be sure to check out all of the snow pictures here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tired Daddy


Family time last night was Playdoh!! Even Harry joined in the fun!! We even used the Playdoh cookie cutters and made some really cool animals!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Big Boy

Harry absolutely loves going into the bathroom... just because he wants to stand on the stool like Rhapsody does! Usually we keep the door shut & locked...because he likes the toilet paper too... but I had to let him stand there for a minute just to get a picture...

My baby boy is growing up so fast....


Rhapsody is very creative and we spend quite a bit of time with her doing stickers, drawing & painting. She knows that if she is good at school and follows the rules that she can choose what she wants to do.... Her skills are rapidly improving and I absolutely had to share some of the photos!

Chores, chores, chores

Rhapsody absolutely loves mopping the kitchen floor & I take advantage of making it fun for as long as possible! I caught some great pictures of her this week and had to share!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The weather was SPECTACULAR yesterday... 82° and sunny!!! So Bub & I headed out of work around 3:30 so we could all go play outside! Rhapsody & Harry wanted to ride in Rhapsody's truck and let me tell you... they had SO much fun!

I tried catching a few pictures but with a moving target it can pose quite a challenge...

You can see all of the photos by clicking here.

I also shot a short video...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Harry's shirt reads: I got your pot of gold right here
Rhapsody's shirt reads: Kiss me, I'm Cute

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fashion Statement

Looking like a junior member of the Clark Griswold fan club.....I present to you, Rhapsody!

Bub brought home some clothes/hats/boots that were from Military Surplus & Rhapsody thought it was time for a fashion show!


Friday, March 13, 2009

My little artist...

Rhapsody has such an amazing creative mind & can sit and paint for hours.... I recently let her start painting ceramic (with kid/environment friendly products) and she is loving it!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Laundry Day

There is nothing more fun than a baby in a laundry basket!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Harry's second 1st Birthday Party

(Aunt Mamey & Harry)

This weekend, we had a birthday party for Harry at Grandma & Grandpa Harry's house. It was very important to us that Harry spend his first birthday with his namesake as we are unsure how many more birthdays he will be able to celebrate with Great-Grandpa. We invited the whole family & just asked everyone to bring a dish. It turned out spectacular & there was tons of great food!

Harry had no problem being the center of attention... and Rhapsody got LOTS of attention also!!

Be sure you click here to see more second 1st birthday photos.

PS - most of the photos in the album were taken by Rhapsody.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Go fly a kite

Now that the weather is turning in our favor, Rhapsody has been begging to go to the park. We decided to take them to the park & teach Rhapsody how to fly a kite. I cannot remember the last time I flew a kite... and I know Bub felt the same way. But it is very much like riding a bicycle, you just don't seem to forget.

We had an amazing afternoon together!! We all laughed and we even caught the attention of other people & ended up with a small croud by the time it was over!!

You can see more kite flying photos by clicking here.

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Dishwasher

I told Bub I really wanted (needed) a new dishwasher... and they apparently have some really cool new models out... I absolutely LOVE the one he brought home!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bubby's new truck

Rhapsody has a monster truck that she loves to drive...and now Harry has one as well!

Bubby's new truck is only a 1 seater and he can't quite reach the pedals... No worries, though, we can improvise!!

He really digs his new ride & I am certain (at the rate he is growing) that he will be full on racing by the summer!!

Happy Birthday Bubby!

Eating cake...

You may want to turn down the volume, it is just a bunch of background noise... The best part is just watching Harry put away the cake!

Harry's 1st Birthday Party

For Harry's birthday, we decided to order pizza & have a little gathering at our house. Nothing big, just family & our neighbors. My mom & Johnson, Bub's grandparents, Grandma Betty & The Brumbles all came over to enjoy the party.

We had a fantastic evening & Harry absolutely loved being the center of attention for the evening! He is so funny, though, because when we gave him his cake he just slowly sat there eating it... didn't even make a mess. Then when I took it away (because he had eaten nearly 1/2 the cake) he decided it was time to throw a fit & get messy!!

Please check out all of the 1st Birthday Party pictures here.