Monday, February 2, 2009

Sayonara Baby Food!!!

Harry has 4 teeth now, so we have been trying to teach him how to eat table food for a while...But he would always love the flavor so much that he would try to swallow before chewing so he could get more... which resulted in his coughing and getting frustrated...

As if to flip a switch, last week we gave him a serving of biscuits & scrambled eggs - keeping a jar of baby food on stand by... He must have seen the baby food and decided he was done with that stuff because he chowed down his biscuit & scrambled eggs. The next evening, we decided to again try more table food...he downed the fruit & macaroni and cheese like a pro....

On Saturday, we had taco salad for dinner (which I knew he couldn't eat) so to use up the baby food, I opened a jar of his favorite and offered a bite. He opened his mouth, took a bite, gagged, spit it on me and said 'Uh-Uh Mama. No.' And that was the end of the baby food....

I was able to take some photos of him eating his new big boy food and just had to share! I am so excited that we are done with baby food... but my baby boy is growing up so fast!!

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