Saturday, January 24, 2009

Midwest Weather

The saying goes....

If you don't like the weather in the Midwest today, stay one more day it will surely change.

I have the photos to prove it.

This picture was taken on 1/22/09 (when the temperature was sub zero & it was snowing)

This one was taken on 1/23/09 (the temperature was 65° and we took the kids outside to play)

What a difference 24 hours makes...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Harry & the Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie

There isn't much of an explanation needed for these photos...

I gave Harry a Thin Mint... the rest is history!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Trey spends the night

We invited Trey over to spend the night with Rhapsody and we decided to take the kids to the mall. We live very close to the Independence Center, which has a huge indoor playground with a padded floor & lots of fun arcade toys. The kids had a complete blast & wore of a bundle of energy. After the mall, we headed home for bath time & a game of Chutes & Ladders before bed...

Both kids were fantastic & slept great!!

Make sure you look at all of the photos here.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Banana Twins - the best Little Debbie cakes

Chutes & Ladders

Rhapsody received the board game Chutes & Ladders for Christmas when Santa was at school. In the evening, while I cook dinner, Bub has been teaching her to play. She is really good now & enjoys the time with Daddy!!

Sibling rivalry

The story goes a little something like this...

Harry loves snacking on fruit puffs for babies. They are similar in texture to Cheerios, but they are fruit flavored and melt very fast in your mouth. Rhapsody loves twisty cheese (what we know as string cheese). A few days ago, she approached me... our conversation is below:

Rhapsody: Mom, may I have twisty cheese for snack?
Me: Yes, but you have to give some fruit puffs to Harry so he has a snack also.
Rhapsody: May I have a plate to give Harry some puffs? And can you open my twisty cheese?
Me: Sure.

After handing her the plate, she put a few puffs on it for Harry and sat the plate on the floor. She took a seat in her Diego chair and proceeded to eat her snack. A few very quiet minutes go by, as both children happily enjoy their snacks....when all of a sudden Harry runs out of fruit puffs and realizes Rhapsody has cheese.

The next words I hear are Rhapsody, "Mom, can you get Harry down, he is trying to get the cheese out of my hand. Mom! Help me! Bubby is going to make me fall....!!!!"

Like a flash of lightening, Harry is right there. Rhapsody had no choice but to cram the cheese in her mouth and make a face at her brother.... the face of victory!!
Let the rivalry begin!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Rhapsody has always loved pancakes, so it is no big surprise that Harry does also! I made him his very own pancake for dinner and he made quick work of it!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Real Bubble Bath

Santa brought the kids a bath time bubble machine for Christmas this year... and they ABSOLUTELY love it! It brings a whole new meaning to the 'bubble bath.'

View all of the bubble bath photos here.

Rhapsody feeding her baby

Rhapsody mimics everything that I do to Harry... by doing the same thing to her baby doll. She will tell her baby, "Come on honey, it is time for dinner." It is the sweetest thing ever! She was feeding her baby doll the other day in the living room & I grabbed the camera. She is turning into a little mommy!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Worlds Strongest Baby

Let me give you a little background.... Rhapsody was pushing Harry around the house in his wagon. He got really tired of it and started throwing a fit... he wanted her to get in it.... So we thought, ok no problem, he won't be able to push it but it will be cute to watch.....
Don't worry, he was not hurt at all... and neither was she. What you see on video is as long as we let him do it... but this just proves exactly how strong my man is! He wants to be just like Rhapsody so bad!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kinsey comes to town!!

Our great friends, Kelly, Jerome & Kinsey, came to town over the New Year holiday. We were able to get together and let the kids play and have dinner together! Of course, I was in a hurry to see them and left my camera on the kitchen table.... So, thanks Kelly for sending these over!

The girls had tons of fun & Rhapsody has already been begging to see Kinsey again!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Bub has taught Harry that every time we say 'Wheeeee!!' he throws his hands up like he is riding a roller coaster!!! Hysterical!


Harry's new hang out

Now Playing: Harry showing off for a drink of Mom's iced tea...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Harry is getting brave, really brave

The pictures tell a great story... Here's a quick synopsis
Harry plays with his new wagon
Harry sees pacifier
Harry lets go of wagon...
He is really getting brave & sturdy on his feet!!