Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Vacation photo...

Well, for several months Bub & I have planned an adult vacation to Houston. Originally, we were supposed to be going to attend a great friend's (Jessica Langley) wedding. However, the wedding was scheduled the weekend that Hurricane Ike came through and ravaged the city and the wedding had to be postponed. We could not attend the postponed date, due to other plans, so we decided to use our tickets and just fly down for the weekend before my birthday and enjoy time with Dad & Barbara.

After planning this for MONTHS and getting it all arranged so my mom could keep the kids, Tony and Ashley could stay at our place with the dog and we both took time off from work, we spent all day Friday 10/24 at Kansas City airport... and by all day I mean from 11 AM to 6 PM... before Continental decided to cancel the flight and refund everyone's money!!!

I guess the plane that landed to take us to Houston had a de-icer valve lock up on landing. The part was not available any where close, so they delayed the flight until 6 PM so they could fly it in from another city. While waiting, they encouraged everyone to head to the restaurant down the terminal and enjoy some lunch and a drink... For 4 drinks and an order of nachos, our tab was $84.29! Then we still had time to waste, so we ordered another round of drinks - $31.49! They charged Bub $7.99 for a shot of Jaegermeister!!!

Around 5 PM, they decided that it wasn't going to make it and just cancelled the flight!! Then, they told us there was not another flight available that would get us to Houston before 11 PM or we could go the next day. With two young children and all of these people helping us out... it just wouldn't work. After speaking with Continental for over half an hour, they offered to refund our full fare within 30 days.

So, I hope you enjoy our vacation photo of our super long, expensive day at KCI Airport!

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