Friday, September 5, 2008

Santa Cali Gon

Labor Day weekend 2008 was very exciting for us! Rhapsody and Harry went swimming together for the first time with Rhapsody's boyfriend, Trey. Ashley (Trey's Mom) and I took all 3 kids swimming in their pool and we all had a great time! Harry was laughing and splashing and we all had tons of fun. We also took Rhapsody to Santa Cali Gon, an annual festival here in Independence. She rode all of the rides, including the Ferris Wheel, and she was so worn out when we got home. She had a blast and had a slight sunburn to prove it! Bub even climbed the rock wall to win her a Spider Man toy! Check out all of the Labor Day Pics here.

1 comment:

Gulley Gang said...

Looks like you guys had a ball! Love the picture of Rhap and Harry swimming together, so precious! Can't believe how big the kids are getting, wow! Rhap's hair is gorgeous with those long locks of curls!