Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rocky (the squirrel) has some competition...

I work from home one day a week and this morning after dropping the kids off at school, I headed back home. Bub took the day off to go to the dentist today, so he was waiting for me at the front door. He had put some fresh peanuts and a pawpaw (fruit-check out here) out for Rocky who was patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs... As I was walking up to the door, a beautiful blue jay dove down right above my head (squawking) and made a fast swoop up onto the gutters. I ran in the house, grabbed the camera and headed for the front door.

The blue jay was diving the squirrel and making tons of racket... All of a sudden, he swooped onto the porch and grabbed a peanut. He sat there for a second and took off. A few minutes later, he was back for more peanuts. Bub snapped a couple of pictures and I took off inside to look up a blue jay's diet online. I was under the assumption that a blue jay eats eggs, insects and fruit... not peanuts. Lo and behold, the primary diet of a blue jay consists of crumbs from humans and nuts! We learned something new and Bub got a couple of beautiful pictures!

1 comment:

Gulley Gang said...

I loved your Rocky story. Think it's too cool that he visits you guys everyday. And now the Blue Jay, wow! Before long you will have Bambi there as well. Hee Hee! I know the kids must love their new friends! Such great pictures of the little guys.