Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's day weekend

This Mother's Day was fantastic & relaxing! The kids spent the night with MiMi & PaPa on Saturday night & played outside. They even convinced PaPa to take them for wheel barrow & wagon rides!

On Sunday, we all went to eat dinner at the Isle of Capri & it was wonderful!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kemah Boardwalk

While visiting Texas, we took a trip down to the Kemah Boardwalk to let the kids play. Rhapsody told me she never wanted to leave there... she absolutely loved it! We ate great food & rode the train and carousel. Harry just chilled in the stroller the entire time... loving life!
There are lots more pictures from Kemah... just click here!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

We flew to Houston on May 1 to surprise my dad for his birthday! We had a crawfish/shrimp boil and hung out on the deck all day long... the kids had a complete blast & we were able to snap some great pics! I think Rhapsody liked playing with the crawfish the most!!

Click here to check out all of the birthday pictures.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It is never too young...

We have been trying to teach Harry about saving money, just like his big sister does... and he is catching on quick!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Morel mushroom season, Baby!!

It is currently morel mushrooom season in MO/KS and Bub took Kent out mushroom hunting last week... and they hit the JACKPOT!!

We cooked them up this weekend and they were delicious!! Even Rhapsody ate a couple!!

If you don't know much about morel mushrooms, check out the Great Morel page.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Williams

Our great friends, RD & Yvonne, were married today & they had a reception afterwards. We took the kids (as it was an outdoor/family friendly reception) and they had SO much fun!! They really didn't want to go home...

I was really amazed at how well all the children played together & we were able to enjoy some adult beverages and let the kids play!

PS - I got some new photo editing software... just playing around with it... can you tell??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Fun

The weather has been completely beautiful here lately and we have been taking the kids outside to enjoy it while it lasts... I snapped some pictures of them this week & just had to share.

The picture of Rhapsody with the tulips was taken in our neighbor's yard... she said the flowers were beautiful and she wanted to take her picture with them! Too funny!!

More spring fun photos by clicking here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Harry & The Vacuum

I don't know about most kids, but Rhapsody was (and kinda still is) HORRIFIED of the vacuum... Not Harry. Since he was about 6 months old, he has been completely fascinated with the vacuum... and now that he can walk & talk, he will tell you that it is time to vacuum and wait until you get it out. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen...

He was helping Bub vacuum and I had to take some pictures....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

As usual for Missouri, the weather on Easter Sunday was rather crappy. It was very cold with blustery winds and rain/freezing rain. Needless to say, we weren't about to get the kids out in it! We had a great day at home, the Easter Bunny brought the kids pails to our house.... and he also left baskets at MiMi & PaPa's house... so they got TONS of goodies! Rhapsody picked out her Easter dress herself and looked so cute!

The night before Easter, Bub had to work for a while so Rhapsody and I dyed eggs. She did a fantastic job and we had lots of laughs! We only had a few eggs left to dye and Bub came home (hence the reason for his filthy face in the photos)... so he was able to make a couple with us!

You can see all of the Easter 2009 photos by clicking here.

Friday, April 10, 2009

School Easter Party

At the kids' school this year, they had a fantastic Easter party. They played pin the tail on the bunny, they did the egg on a spoon game, they popped balloons, broke a pinata, had an egg hunt and lots of fun activities! I was not able to attend for the entire day, but I did break away from work early to go hang out.

We captured some great pictures & we all had a blast!!

Be sure to click here to see all of the School Party Photos.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Girl's Night - Disney on Ice

My mom treated Rhapsody & I to girl's night and we went to Kemper Arena to see Disney on Ice. We had FANTASTIC seats and the show was really entertaining. I was impressed at how well Rhapsody sat through both hours of the show... without ever complaining! She was very well behaved the entire night and we got some really cool photos!!

The performers did a fantastic job showcasing The Lion King, Lilo & Stitch, The Little Mermaid & Peter Pan. It is definitely something we will do again!!

I wanna see more Disney on Ice photos... click here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sisterly & Brotherly Love

Rhapsody & Harry are really starting to enjoy each other's company. Last night, I went in Rhapsody's room to check on them and they were sitting in the floor together playing birthday party and sharing a snack.

I had to seize the moment to take some great shots (not to mention both kids were actually fully clothed!) and I absolutely had to share.
Their relationship is really blossoming and they are becoming very close... You can see all of the pictures of them playing here.