Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our little Veterinarian...

When Tracy came to pick up Tori after spending Thanksgiving weekend with us, she brought Tori's dog, Sugar. Sugar is a TINY chihuahua and Rhapsody fell in love! She has always been an animal lover, but these photos prove it!!

Thanksgiving Weekend

For Thanksgiving this year, Bub's family hosted dinner at Aunt Sherry's house at Lake Tapawingo. The food was great and we all had a lot of fun! Harry is cutting teeth and had a little flu bug so he was a little grouchy, but we still had a blast! Bub's niece, Tori, came home with us after dinner and spent a few days hanging out with Rhapsody.

On Friday, we had dinner at our house with Mom, Johnson, Tony, Ashley, Trey and our family. My Uncle Bob, Jamie, Tehela & a friend were also in town so they brought Grandma Betty by later that night and we were able to visit.

We had a great weekend & tons of great food!! Check out the Thanksgiving Photos here.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The tale of two turkeys

Well, usually our Thanksgiving turkey is cooked right at home and we know exactly what to expect... This year, given the craziness & adjusting to 2 kids, we decided to have a great restaurant in town smoke our turkey. They have done it for several years and we figured it would be perfect!

Needless to say, we won't EVER try that again. We had to go buy a second turkey on Friday morning that turned out WONDERFUL (thanks to Fritz's)!! Bub was able to get all of our money back for the bad one....

Which one would you eat?!?!?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Harry's new Big Boy Car seat

As you can probably tell, Harry is a well above average sized 8 month old... we had to move him up to a big boy car seat and turn him forward because it was very dangerous for him to be backward as big & strong as he is... He looks like a toddler!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dancing Machine

Now Playing: Rhapsody

Harry is so close to crawling...

Harry is so close to crawling and finds new things every day. He can now go from his belly to sitting up and usually backs himself into a corner or against a wall.. We have been taking lots of pictures of him the past few days to chronicle his crawling.

On Thursday, Lisa & Amanda (my awesome coworkers) found these giant noise maker balloons and sent home a few for the kids. Rhapsody had tons of fun with them, but she wouldn't cooperate with taking a picture... she just wanted to run around. Harry sat on the kitchen floor and played with those things for a good 45 minutes!!

Be sure you click here to check out the rest of the pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun with Mimi & Papa

Rhapsody & Harry often spend the night with my mom & Johnson on the weekend. My mom has been sending me lots of pictures over the past couple of weeks and I finally got time to get them uploaded.

Rhapsody LOVES playing dress up at Mimi's house and Harry enjoys checking out all the wheels on Rhapsody's toys.

These are my two favorite pictures that she has sent lately, but you can check out all of the pictures from Mimi & Papa's House here.

Harry's second adventure...

Rhapsody & Harry spent the night at my mom's this weekend and Harry enjoyed his second adventure since being mobile....

Harry's first adventure

Harry is days away from crawling, but he can get anywhere he needs to go (very quickly) by pushing with his feet, army crawling & rolling. Bub is not used to him being able to get around so fast and he temporarily lost sight of Harry on Saturday afternoon... Harry had no trouble finding fun!!!

Photo speaks 1000 words...

Rhapsody got a stamper from my mom for Halloween. Last night, she thought it would work much better as.....

UFC 91

This weekend, was Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fight 91 between Randy Couture & Brock Lesnar. We decided to order the fight and invite some friends over to watch. Jason, Michelle, Draegan, Tony, Ashley & Trey all came over. Trey & Draegan are both 3 also, so the kids had a complete blast! We even witnessed a tornado come through Rhapsody's room!!!

Brock Lesnar pounded Randy Couture to submission, but the evening was a ton of fun!

You will have to look at all of the photos here.

**the kids are making their hands look like the 'I love you' sign & heavy metal horns... not gang signs! **

Harry trying more new foods...

We are trying to get Harry more used to solid foods and chewing. He always just wants to swallow if he gets a bite of something good, so we are really working with him. This week, he had biscuits & gravy, toast & saltine crackers.

He absolutely LOVED the biscuits and gravy... he kept hollering to Bub for more. He thought the cracker was just ok...
He really liked the toast, also, but he did not like the way it felt - so he refused to touch it! He ate on that toast until it was nearly gone... but never held it with his hands! Hysterical!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This is how I roll....

He is SUPER close to crawling... he can get up on his hands and knees and knows what to do, he just hasn't mastered the coordination of his hands and legs yet.. give him 2 weeks and he is crawling...

For now, this is his preferred method of travel.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rhapsody serenading you...

Bub took these videos of the kids over the weekend with his cell phone... I just had to upload & share!

Harry.... funny boy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mashed potatoes & gravy

We had mashed potatoes and turkey gravy for dinner last night and while we eat, Harry always sits in his high chair with us until he is ready to eat. Well, I guess he smelled Bub's mashed potatoes and gravy and he started begging. Bub put a bite on his fork and Harry chowed them right down! He started fussing and begging for more... by the time he was done, Bub had to get more potatoes. We have fed him mashed potatoes before, but they have always been the instant ones!!

We are finally able to start transitioning to table food!!! YAY!!!

These pictures are sure to make you laugh

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Harry and the remote & giraffe toy

Harry is completely fascinated by the remote control and goes for it any chance he gets!! Last night he was so excited because he got it before we noticed and I had to snap a few pictures.

He also has a giraffe toy that he absolutely loves and makes the FUNNIEST faces while playing with it!! He is such a fun baby!

There are several photos here.

Halloween/Kim's Birthday 2008

For Halloween this year, I took the day off from work so I could attend the Halloween party at the kids' school. I also picked up Papa Murphy's Jack-o-Lantern pizza for dinner. My mom, Johnson & Grandma Betty came over to enjoy pizza and passing out candy at our house so we could take the kids trick or treating.

Rhapsody had so much fun trick or treating for the first time and it was sooo sweet... the first house we went to was our good neighbors, the Brumble's. Rhapsody already had candy in her bucket from her school party and when they opened the door, Rhapsody shouted 'Trick or Treat' and then proceeded to put her candy in the Brumble's bowl! Trini told Rhapsody, 'No, I will give you the candy.' Once Rhapsody figured out that she was going to GET free candy, not pass it out - she was ready to go!

Harry started getting tired and fussy, so we came home and gave the kids a bath and Rhapsody passed out candy the rest of the evening. We all had so much fun & a great Halloween to remember!!
Make sure you look at all of the Halloween Photos.