Thursday, December 25, 2008

Harry's new drink of choice....


Christmas 2008

We had an excellent Christmas this year and we celebrated at our house! Mimi, Papa, Grandma Betty & all the kids had a great day and we had a fantastic dinner!

Of course, the kids got tons of gifts and played until they were exhausted! Santa knew Rhapsody & Harry had been good kids and left them lots of goodies!!

Please check out our Christmas 2008 photo album here.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa's offering

Rhapsody was so excited to make cookies for Santa this year... so excited that she had to take the time to make him a Christmas card too! Bub helped her get Santa some milk.... and this is the offering she left him this year....

Too dang cute!!!

Sugar Cookies

This was the first year that Rhapsody was able to help with making sugar cookies for Santa and she thought it was the coolest!! She had the best time helping me cut the dough and bake the cookies.... but she REALLY liked decorating them.

We made lots of cookies and even Tiffany, Tori, Mimi & Daddy all helped decorate!

More cookie photos here...

Christmas with the Gulley's (Bub's)

We spent Christmas Eve with Bub's family out at his Grandparent's house. Although Grandpa Junior (Bub's Dad) had to work and couldn't be there we had lots of fun! We were able to get lots of great photos of the family and enjoyed some AWESOME food!

Harry absolutely loved it because he had sooo many people to mooch from! He definitely made the rounds!!

Be sure to check out all of the photos here.

Decorating the tree

We actually put our tree up & decorated it on December 12, but I failed to post the photos...

You have to understand that our tree this year was a little barren and had only 'baby friendly' items on it! With a crawling, standing & nearly walking 9 month old... you understand. We also didn't put all of the presents under the tree right away because Harry's favorite toy is paper.

Rhapsody also has her very own little tree that she decorates and she wanted to put it by the big tree this year.... too cute!!

Even though the tree looks quite empty to me - the kids loved it & it does look beautiful when it is all lit up!

You can see all of the Christmas Tree Pictures here.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa comes to school!!

Santa made a very special visit to the kids' school today to bring some cool gifts and hang out with the kids!!

A member of the church (that the owners of the daycare attend) volunteered his time to dress up like Santa and come to the school. It was so sweet!! The kids absolutely loved it and Rhapsody even had to go give Santa a hug goodbye before we could go home. She thanked him for coming to see her & her friends!!

Rhapsody got a new baby doll & the board game Chutes & Ladders. She also got some candy and a cool picture frame. Harry got an awesome fire truck & a set of Tonka cars that are just his size!! He played with that fire truck all night long!

You can check out all of the
Santa Pictures here.

Sleeping beauties...

Rhapsody & Trey have Christmas together

Last night, Trey & Rhapsody had a Christmas party at our house to exchange gifts. Trey's older siblings (Kayla & Dylan) also came over for dinner & fun. We all had a great time and enjoyed great food.

Click here to see more pics of the party.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Congratulations, Ashley!!!

Today marked a very special day in the life of our best friends.... Ashley (Trey's Mom) graduated from Nursing School!! She has worked so hard over the last few years and we are all so very proud of her! Bub & I were honored to attend the pinning ceremony over the weekend and we all went out to eat afterwards. Ashley has accepted a job at TMC here in the metro and she will begin working in January.

This isn't the best picture, but it was really dark and hard to get a good shot....


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Shoveling

Bub has a new helper this year shoveling snow....and what a cute helper!!

Winter wonderland...

Now that it is winter here in KC and the ground is completely covered with snow & ice (actually an ice/sleet storm is moving through as I type) the kids have taken to spending most of their time staring out the front door wishing they could go outside. I snapped a couple of really cute pictures of them the past few days and had to share.

Harry is now able to stand up and pull up to anything, even just the wall! He wants to walk like his big sister! Rhapsody just tells him how much fun it will be when it gets warm again and they can go play outside together!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Matt & Cade in their hats

I absolutely LOVE these pictures of my brother, Matt, and my nephew, Cade, in their Hurley hats!! I had to post them because they really make me smile!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Elf Dance

This is absolutely hysterical!!

Click this link and enjoy: Gulley Elves

To make your own, Click here: Elf Me

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Fun with Mimi & Papa

The kids spent the night on Saturday with Mimi & Papa. Now that Harry is getting so strong, he is able to pull up and stand up to anything... including the pack-n-play & his crib! No sooner do you lay him down for a nap and he stands up and hollers 'MaMa'. His other new favorite thing is to pull his socks off and chew on them...must feel really good when you are cutting teeth!?!?!

Rhapsody absolutely loves to play doctor and she decided that Harry needed his shots on Saturday night...and got in the pack-n-play with him!!!

For a few laughs, click here.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa At Crown Center

We took the kids to see Santa today at Crown Center. We picked up Grandma Betty on the way and since Mom works right across the street, she met us there.

Both children did so well - neither one of them cried or got scared at all! Rhapsody told Santa she wanted a bouncy ball & a doll and that he could get Harry a balloon! It was so sweet.

Crown Center also had a really neat Gingerbread Village set up that Rhapsody really enjoyed. It had trains going through the village!

You can see all of the Santa Photos here.

Harry is 9 months old!!

Today, Harry is 9 months old! Can you believe it??

He weighs a little under 30 pounds and is right at 31 inches tall!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our little Veterinarian...

When Tracy came to pick up Tori after spending Thanksgiving weekend with us, she brought Tori's dog, Sugar. Sugar is a TINY chihuahua and Rhapsody fell in love! She has always been an animal lover, but these photos prove it!!

Thanksgiving Weekend

For Thanksgiving this year, Bub's family hosted dinner at Aunt Sherry's house at Lake Tapawingo. The food was great and we all had a lot of fun! Harry is cutting teeth and had a little flu bug so he was a little grouchy, but we still had a blast! Bub's niece, Tori, came home with us after dinner and spent a few days hanging out with Rhapsody.

On Friday, we had dinner at our house with Mom, Johnson, Tony, Ashley, Trey and our family. My Uncle Bob, Jamie, Tehela & a friend were also in town so they brought Grandma Betty by later that night and we were able to visit.

We had a great weekend & tons of great food!! Check out the Thanksgiving Photos here.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The tale of two turkeys

Well, usually our Thanksgiving turkey is cooked right at home and we know exactly what to expect... This year, given the craziness & adjusting to 2 kids, we decided to have a great restaurant in town smoke our turkey. They have done it for several years and we figured it would be perfect!

Needless to say, we won't EVER try that again. We had to go buy a second turkey on Friday morning that turned out WONDERFUL (thanks to Fritz's)!! Bub was able to get all of our money back for the bad one....

Which one would you eat?!?!?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Harry's new Big Boy Car seat

As you can probably tell, Harry is a well above average sized 8 month old... we had to move him up to a big boy car seat and turn him forward because it was very dangerous for him to be backward as big & strong as he is... He looks like a toddler!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dancing Machine

Now Playing: Rhapsody

Harry is so close to crawling...

Harry is so close to crawling and finds new things every day. He can now go from his belly to sitting up and usually backs himself into a corner or against a wall.. We have been taking lots of pictures of him the past few days to chronicle his crawling.

On Thursday, Lisa & Amanda (my awesome coworkers) found these giant noise maker balloons and sent home a few for the kids. Rhapsody had tons of fun with them, but she wouldn't cooperate with taking a picture... she just wanted to run around. Harry sat on the kitchen floor and played with those things for a good 45 minutes!!

Be sure you click here to check out the rest of the pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun with Mimi & Papa

Rhapsody & Harry often spend the night with my mom & Johnson on the weekend. My mom has been sending me lots of pictures over the past couple of weeks and I finally got time to get them uploaded.

Rhapsody LOVES playing dress up at Mimi's house and Harry enjoys checking out all the wheels on Rhapsody's toys.

These are my two favorite pictures that she has sent lately, but you can check out all of the pictures from Mimi & Papa's House here.

Harry's second adventure...

Rhapsody & Harry spent the night at my mom's this weekend and Harry enjoyed his second adventure since being mobile....

Harry's first adventure

Harry is days away from crawling, but he can get anywhere he needs to go (very quickly) by pushing with his feet, army crawling & rolling. Bub is not used to him being able to get around so fast and he temporarily lost sight of Harry on Saturday afternoon... Harry had no trouble finding fun!!!

Photo speaks 1000 words...

Rhapsody got a stamper from my mom for Halloween. Last night, she thought it would work much better as.....

UFC 91

This weekend, was Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fight 91 between Randy Couture & Brock Lesnar. We decided to order the fight and invite some friends over to watch. Jason, Michelle, Draegan, Tony, Ashley & Trey all came over. Trey & Draegan are both 3 also, so the kids had a complete blast! We even witnessed a tornado come through Rhapsody's room!!!

Brock Lesnar pounded Randy Couture to submission, but the evening was a ton of fun!

You will have to look at all of the photos here.

**the kids are making their hands look like the 'I love you' sign & heavy metal horns... not gang signs! **